The 机会竞赛计划 empowers Texas REALTORS® to contribute to the election of certain state-level candidates.

机会赛跑是 REALTOR®-facing campaigns conducted on behalf of a state-level candidate.

机会赛跑是 协作工作 between the state and local associations, and are approved by the Texas REALTORS® Political Involvement Committee.

These efforts may include the use of direct mail, 轮询, 电话银行, 网站, 社交媒体推广, 见面会活动事件, and other efforts to encourage Texas REALTORS® to vote for the TREPAC-supported candidates on Election Day.


How to request an opportunity race
Local boards are required to submit 1) a signed application committing the association to assist in the association’s efforts to mobilize local REALTORS® in support of these candidate(s), 2)一份签名的 Notice Regarding Opportunity Race Recommendation,如适用. 


Benefits of the 机会竞赛计划

  • 导致 投票率显著提高 在德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, in some cases doubling or tripling the turnout rate of the general voting public
  • 有一个 positive influence on the campaigns of candidates who support real estate interests and the rights of private-property owners in Texas
  • 展示力量 REALTOR®动员
  • 提高政治威望 of Texas REALTORS®, local associations, and TREPAC
  • 增加德州REALTOR® 政治参与 on behalf of association-supported candidates
  • 激励地方协会 political and legislative committees and identify politically active Texas REALTORS® for future political efforts.


After the local association conducts candidate interviews, the board may choose to request an opportunity race on behalf of a select candidate.

注意: Texas REALTORS®将 从来没有 conduct an opportunity race without buy-in and an official request from the local association.

Requests are submitted to the association 政治事务主任 and reviewed by the Texas REALTORS® Political Involvement Committee (PIC). The PIC submits a recommendation to the Legislative Management Team, which gives the final approval.

If the opportunity race is approved, Texas REALTORS® and the local board will execute a campaign designed to engage and motivate Texas REALTORS® to volunteer and vote for the candidate of choice.


The Political Involvement Committee examines the following criteria in considering opportunity races:

  • Has the candidate received TREPAC support (or a recommendation for TREPAC support)?
  • Has the candidate been classified by the PIC as a REALTOR® Champion or REALTOR® Friend?
  • Does the candidate face a hotly contested election?
  • Does the candidate have the support of local REALTORS®?
  • Will REALTOR® engagement impact the race?

Local boards can contact their regional PIC or the Texas REALTORS® 政治事务主任 for more information.


Best practices: Steering Committee
Every opportunity race needs a local leader. Texas REALTORS® recommends using the local board’s Political or Governmental Affairs Committee member to lead the “REALTORS® For … Steering Committee” in support of the REALTOR®-facing campaign.

If this person is not available, the Texas REALTORS® Political Involvement Committee member, the Texas REALTORS® field representative, or the local association’s Governmental Affairs Director may also serve as the head of the steering committee. Another option may be a Texas REALTOR® who has a personal relationship with the candidate.

The steering committee chair should help coordinate:

  • Block-walking or door-to-door efforts
  • 电话银行
  • 社交媒体推广
  • 标志的位置
  • Special events (should be paid for with TREPAC non-corporate dollars)
  • Election Day activities (poll watching, etc.)